Analysis of the use of information resources of the aggressor country by the university educational process participants in ...
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Tarasov D., Komova M. Analysis of the use of information resources of the aggressor country by the university educational process participants in 2021-2023 // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2024. – Vol. 3608 : Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on social communication and information activity in digital humanities (SCIA 2023), Lviv, Ukraine, November 9, 2023. – P. 211–220.
An analysis of the activity of the use of the aggressor country’s information resources by university educational process participants in 2021-2023 was carried out. Changes in the use of various resources before and after Russia's large-scale military attack on Ukraine are determined. Threats of using Russian information resources and data exchange systems are analyzed using Telegrami as an example.
Author keywords
information security; referrals; Russian aggression; Telegram; traffic sources; traffic sources; university E-Learning Systemi; website traffic analysis
Digital Humanities in the Concept of Training Specialists in Information, Library and Archival Science
Komova M., Petrushka A., Penchuk I., Tarasov D. Digital humanities in the concept of training specialists in information, library and archival science // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2024. – Vol. 3608 : Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on social communication and information activity in digital humanities (SCIA 2023), Lviv, Ukraine, November 9, 2023. – P. 5–33.
Efficiency evaluation of using social networks application in the university e-learning system
Tarasov, D., Koval, Z. & Klymash, M. 2019, "Efficiency evaluation of using social networksi application in the university e-learning system", CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
International Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Analytical Processing of Social Networks
Social Networks, University E-Learning Systemi, Distance Learning, Facebooki, Instagrami, Vkontaktei
The paper studies the possibilities of social networks application within the university system of e-learning. The advantages and disadvantages of social networks application have been analyzed. Necessity and expediency of social networks application in the course of students’ learning process have been grounded. The paper studies the efficiency of this process. Measures for improving the efficiency of social networks application in the university e-learning system have been developed.
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Список тем широкий. Визначають конкретні назви, ключові слова, приклади назв ... Робота з написання "наукових" статей у промислових кількостях.
Цікаво, чи цитування "статті" можна докупити у комплекті з написанням? :)
Кому цікаво, далі перелік назв статей за які хтось готовий заплатити
Якщо побачите статті зі згаданими назвами та датою публікації після 01.03.2020, прохання кинути посилання у коментарях.
Анализ результатов испытаний сеялки с комбинированными сошниками
Повышение экономической эффективности проектов недропользования в контексте устойчивого развития горнодобывающей промышленности
Анализ миграционных процессов и рекомендации по регулированию переселения населения из южных в северные регионы Казахстана
Основные направления реализации государственной политики занятости в Казахстане
Изучение трудностей развития и стратегии решения журналистских расследований в эпоху новых медиа
Education for sustainable development: self-regulated learning strategies in online environments
Особенности мотивации детей из билингвальных семей к изучению иностранного языка.
Роль социальных сетей в образовательном процессе
Online Technologies in STEM Education
Digital literacy and digital didactics as the basis for new learning models development
Co-learning as a new learning model in the digital environment
Using the concept of game-based learning in primary education
On Restricted Set of DML Operations in an ERP System’s Database
Methods of Data Processing Restriction in ERP Systems
P. Zhezhnych and D. Tarasov, "Methods of Data Processing Restriction in ERP Systems," 2018 IEEEi 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT), Lviv, Ukraine, 2018, pp. 274-277.
doi: 10.1109/STC-CSIT.2018.8526734
Minimizing of risks caused by data processing and related to the violation of information security is an important task of ERP-systemi management. This paper discusses methods of data processing restriction that largely allow avoiding of situations that lead to information security violations. The proposed methods called CU‘D’ and CU’ are based on discovering of peculiarities of needs to manipulate data at different stages of processing that mean limited usage of Update and Delete data operations. These peculiarities allow forming of transition maps between data processing stages and the corresponding rules of applying of data manipulation operations. The advantage of the developed methods is the possibility of their implementation at the logical level of a databasei with a set of views without any development of special softwarei units. The methods allow reducing rates of violations of data confidentiality and integrity caused by Update and Delete operations.
{Data processing;Databases;Software;Data privacy;Companies;Computer networks;data processing;database;database scheme;information security;ERP system;SQLi;workflow},
The system of information providing of educational process in university
Andrukhiv Andriy, Tarasov Dmytro, Sokil Maria. The system of information providing of educational process in university //Modern problems of radio engineering, telecommunications and computer science (TCSET'2016):proc. of the XIII Intern. conf., Febr. 23-26, 2016, Lviv, Slavske, Ukraine/Min. of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic Nat. Univ..-Lviv,2016 .-P. 828-830 .-Bibliogr.: 2 titles.
A. Andrukhiv, D. Tarasov and M. Sokil, "The system of information providing of educational process in university," 2016 13th International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET), Lviv, 2016, pp. 828-830.
doi: 10.1109/TCSET.2016.7452197
Abstract: This paper describes using the literature recommendation system in educational process in Lviv Polytechnic National University.
keywords: educational aids; educational computing; recommender systems; educational process; information system; literature recommendation system; university education; Decision support systems; OPAC; information system; web-based library systems