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Digital Humanities in the Concept of Training Specialists in Information, Library and Archival Science

Komova M., Petrushka A., Penchuk I., Tarasov D. Digital humanities in the concept of training specialists in information, library and archival science // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2024. – Vol. 3608 : Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on social communication and information activity in digital humanities (SCIA 2023), Lviv, Ukraine, November 9, 2023. – P. 5–33.

Objective processes of radical modernization of the activities of information and analytical structures, libraries, and archives determine the training of a modern specialist in Digital Humanities. Their role as scientific, information-analytical, and educational centers is growing, which provides an opportunity to quickly and fully use information resources, conduct information searches using information technologies, systems, and networks, and enter the world of scientific and educational space. The research aims to study the evolution of training specialists in the Information, Library and Archival Science (ILAS) specialty toward Digital Humanities at the Lviv Polytechnic. The results. The training of specialists in the ILAS specialty at the Lviv Polytechnic is adapted to the modern needs of the formation of a new generation of personnel in information activities. It ensures the penetration of digital technologies into the administrative, socio-economic, and humanitarian spheres of society and strengthens the Ukrainian information market. The education of bachelor’s specialists in the ILAS specialty has gone through a long evolutionary path from a culture-centric interpretation of the training content to a hybrid concept of "Education and practice toward Digital Humanities ", which is based on the requirements of national standards in Ukraine. A system of program competencies and student learning outcomes that form a conceptual model of the abilities of future specialists provided the transformation of the training content; a system of educational components embodying the practical implementation of this conceptual model; academic courses that are a means of acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the specialty. Focusing the training content on mastering the theory and practice of information-analytical, information-technological, and social-communication activities ensures the formation of a modern specialist who can apply the technologies of Digital Humanities to the activity of business, authorities, and management. Evolutionary changes in the concept of training specialists in the ILAS specialty at the Lviv Polytechnic correspond to the main trends in the world's leading universities.

Author keywords
course; curriculum; Digital Humanities; educational components; educational program; educational work; Information; Library and Archival Science; Library and Information Science; program competencies; program learning outcomes; quality of education; scientific and technical information; scientific and technical library

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