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Efficiency evaluation of using social networks application in the university e-learning system

Tarasov, D., Koval, Z. & Klymash, M. 2019, "Efficiency evaluation of using social networksi application in the university e-learning system", CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

International Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Analytical Processing of Social Networks

Social Networks, University E-Learning Systemi, Distance Learning, Facebooki, Instagrami, Vkontaktei

The paper studies the possibilities of social networks application within the university system of e-learning. The advantages and disadvantages of social networks application have been analyzed. Necessity and expediency of social networks application in the course of students’ learning process have been grounded. The paper studies the efficiency of this process. Measures for improving the efficiency of social networks application in the university e-learning system have been developed.

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